My Electric Objects
February 23 2016
I’ve been having a lot of fun with my Electric Objects art frame for the past few months, and even uploaded some things that I’ve found, as well as some things that I made. Here are a few that I’m most proud of:
Office Party
This is one that I made myself in Unity using a very glitchy mo-cap plugin and a bunch of Asset Store models. I’m quite proud of it, but the Electric Objects community didn’t seem to like it much.
I kept seeing this commercial for MiraLAX on TV and was fascinated by the animation they concocted to illustrate how the laxitive works. So of course I made a little clip of it for EO.
Woah, this one is even better!
Found GIFs
- Henry Says
- Glen Says
- Celery Man
- Chill Monkey
- Server Room
- Dogtown and the Renaissance Boys - I later found out this was by scorpiondagger and have made EOs from a few of his gifs